5 Things To Do For Your First Beach Glamping Trip!

You might have heard about camping but what about glamping? For those who are unaware, glamping is just another fancy word for camping but with a dash of glam. It is more upscale compared to your normal tent and sleeping bag. Glamping offers more comfort and luxury. Imagine the luxury of having a toilet with … More 5 Things To Do For Your First Beach Glamping Trip!

Surviving The Coronavirus Pandemic: How Did I Grow As A Person During The Home Quarantine?

Well, I think it is finally time to end the quarantine series even though I had to put on my creative hat multiple times just so I could come up with something interesting to share every week for the past 3 months. This would be my 12th post just on the quarantine series and I … More Surviving The Coronavirus Pandemic: How Did I Grow As A Person During The Home Quarantine?

Surviving The Coronavirus Pandemic: 5 Nature-Friendly Things To Do During A Home Quarantine!

When you are on a home quarantine for over 2 months, not knowing the days and dates, trust me you will find a reason to celebrate life. So here I am 80 days later, still on the quarantine series and struggling hard to come up with something exciting and worth reading every week. I hope … More Surviving The Coronavirus Pandemic: 5 Nature-Friendly Things To Do During A Home Quarantine!

Surviving The Coronavirus Pandemic: 5 Ways To Lift Up Your Mood During A Home Quarantine!

I didn’t even imagine that when the year 2020 started, I would go on a home quarantine for months. The first 14 days was easy but as the days go by, weeks after weeks, things had started to look uglier than what I’ve had in mind. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been on a … More Surviving The Coronavirus Pandemic: 5 Ways To Lift Up Your Mood During A Home Quarantine!

Surviving The Coronavirus Pandemic: How We Celebrated Mother’s Day, The Quarantine Style?

Right on Mother’s Day, our Prime Minister decided to drop on the biggest bombshell he had so far. If our partial lockdown was being extended for every two weeks, this time it was for the whole month. I was expecting for more like another two weeks or so. But oh well. Our lives have changed … More Surviving The Coronavirus Pandemic: How We Celebrated Mother’s Day, The Quarantine Style?

Surviving The Coronavirus Pandemic: 20 Things To Do During A Home Quarantine!

Two week ago I was still out socializing and going for my daily walks while enjoying the fresh breath air that I love so much. Now I am terrified of everything and everyone. I am even paranoid of the air that we inhale everyday. Anything I touch could be a dangerous contaminant. Or at least … More Surviving The Coronavirus Pandemic: 20 Things To Do During A Home Quarantine!

Diwali Or Deepavali, Let’s Make It Healthier For Everyone!

Last year I wrote a blog post rekindling my memories on the Festival of Lights and how different it was back then compared to now. This year I’ve decided to do something a little more different. At first, I doubted myself and wondered if I would even be able to pull it off, but let’s … More Diwali Or Deepavali, Let’s Make It Healthier For Everyone!