Our Private Port Dickson Beach Holiday Exposed!

What is a vacation without a beach holiday? We were going to Kuala Lumpur for a day or two anyway so we thought why not get a beach vacation before the stressful days ahead of us. Especially with my fiancΓ© around, a beach vacation felt much more than a necessity. Therefore, one of the closest coastal area to Kuala Lumpur and the most convenient was Port Dickson. We didn’t even book the resort until we got there. That was how impromptu this road trip was.

We took our time in the morning because it is a vacation and there is absolutely no reason to rush. We had our breakfast at a local Chinese coffee shop and headed straight to Port Dickson. With no traffic on a working day, we got there in just few hours. You can already see plenty of resorts and hotels along the shoreline. If you were not on the vacation mood yet, once you see the water you would get there instantly. We were like kids at a candy store. Really.

We checked into the resort not knowing we were the only ones there. We were sold when they had suite-styled apartments with an outdoor pool and a beachfront. They even upgraded our suite to a larger one for free. Without wasting time, we headed to the beach right away for some pictures and breeze.

The resort had bikes and boats that you can rent to include for your outdoor activities. We wanted to go island hopping the next day but unfortunately we didn’t had the time. There is something about beach that we cannot explain. It just makes you happy.

After checking in, we had our suite at the tenth floor and the views both front and back was just mesmerizing. And of course, when you are that high everything else looks so much tinier than usual. It humbled me a little knowing that there are a lot of things are left unappreciated.

We changed to get in the pool so we can relax before sunset. We didn’t realize we were soaked in the water for almost 3 hours before the hunger hits and the water was getting a little chilly. They even have a turtle sanctuary here that you can feed. Pretty cool huh?

After spending some time at the balcony watching the gorgeous sunset, we headed out for a dinner. We ended the night with a stroll along the shoreline. It was peaceful and calm. Mom decided to get a jog in while we walked.

Me and mom woke up at 6am to get a sunrise view but to our bad luck, it was cloudy. We pushed it through anyway. Thirty minutes into her morning run, it started pouring. There goes the sunrise view that we never got to witness but instead, we ended up watching the pouring rain in the turtle sanctuary.

We went back to the beach after breakfast for a couple of hours before we head to Kuala Lumpur. It was a short and impromptu vacation but our hearts were full. This was one of the first vacation that we pushed through despite the flood warnings. It was worth it.

Have you been to Port Dickson or the beaches? What do you think?

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