Goodbye 2023: My 9 Best Blog Posts!

It is starting to feel like every year is a roller coaster ride for me and my blog but this year, I think I’ve reached the ultimate peak. I even had to take two months break from blogging to deal with things that was going on in my life in January and February. It took a whole lot of energy to come back stronger in March since the break was long and much needed. I even re-blogged some of my old blogs this year when I couldn’t find the time. Let me remind you. I’ve always managed to find the time but not this year. Apparently, the year 2023 was only starting to get crazier for me.

Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas.

*Charles Kettering*

I’ve met a lot of people this year online and offline. Some made my life better while some became a memory. I’ve channeled all my feelings and emotions into blogging this year more than what I had in mind. Usually, it is the fashion and travel blog posts that make it up on top of the list but not this time. Surprised much? Don’t be. Sometimes there are other things in life that you will have to give more time and attention to instead of just focusing on the happy times. I am glad 2023 taught me not just the good lessons but also the bad ones in the most awful ways.

I am thrilled to bounce back harder than before and hopeful every time the new year rolls in. Eventually, it is you that make everything happen. If you don’t give up and believe in whatever that you choose to do, you will and can get through anything in life. Now, are you ready to bid goodbye to 2023 and look at my 9 best blog posts of the year 2023? Let’s go.

1. Major Life Lessons To Learn In Your 30s!

Turning 30 is not that bad. Some of the decisions we make in our 20s can keep us wondering why we did it in the first place even in your 30s. But that is life. You will have some life changing milestones that you are not used to in your 20s like family issues, work problems, having kids or owning a house but it is finally time to learn all the major life lessons in your 30s.

2. Bachelorette Party Ideas For The Not Over-The-Top Bride!

Are you the bride-to-be? Or are you planning a bachelorette party for your bestie who’s getting married soon? Keep in mind, not all girls will want a wild night out and not all girls will want a chill day either. You will find plenty of bachelorette party inspirations and ideas out there for all sorts of bride but to deal with the not over-the-top bride can be a quite a challenge. Find out how.

3. Ghosted? It’s Not Your Fault!

Have you been ghosted, stood up or ignored completely as if you don’t exist at all? Well, you are not alone. A lot of us have been there and still struggling to find out why and how things like these can happen to us. A lot of us tend to overthink when awful things happen to us. But in this case, you shouldn’t. It is not your fault and find out everything about being ghosted.

4. 10 Steps To Protect Your Vibe This Tamil New Year!

Tamil New Year is quite similar to the New Year but a lot more traditional and a day to bond with your family. Just like any other New Year, those who celebrate would clean up their houses, get ready for the at home prayers and visit their local temples. With new clothes and seeking blessings from the elders before a full meal of vegetarian feast, that is itself a whole vibe, isn’t it?

5. How To Get Past Self-Doubt?

It is completely normal to doubt yourself whenever you are required to excel. Even the most confident person you know might be struggling with their own self-doubt. It’s how we deal with these feelings that set us apart from just a dreamer to a high achiever. If you can get past your self-doubt, you can definitely push yourself higher without a doubt. Find out how.

6. Happy 5 Year Blog Anniversary!

It is crazy to finally realize that I’ve been doing this for the past 5 years. To be able to come up with different blog posts every single week, was challenging but the fun I had while brainstorming kept me going. Of course it gets easier once you get a hang of it but it is also getting a lot easier to give up too. But here I am finishing the year strong. And I did not give up.

7. How To Keep Yourself From Being Bored?

You must be lying to yourself if you say you’ve never been bored once in your life. We are so caught up with life routines that sometimes it can push us to the edge. Redundantly working on something just because you have to can be detrimental to your mental health and overall well-being. Find a way out to keep yourself from being bored in this blog post.

8. 5 Ways To Make Your Life More Memorable!

What’s life without making a bunch of mistakes and having a few setbacks or pitfalls anyway? Of course you should have life goals and things you wish to accomplish before a certain age but there’s no rules that says you can’t have a little fun on the way right? As long as you keep working on yourself to achieve a more memorable life, you should be just fine.

9. Can People Actually Cause Anxiety?

A question I’ve been wondering every time I meet someone new, old or even those who’ve gone. In the world that we live on right now, almost everyone we know is dealing with anxiety even if they don’t talk about it openly. When you feel powerless, you will be anxious so you need to set some boundaries and be empowered. And yes people can actually cause anxiety.

I’ve only managed to write 40 blog posts this year with two months off. This year it was all about mental health and getting my life together.

The month of May had been the most viewed month of the year with two of the posts ranked up the first and 8th on the list.

I’ve gained 48 followers just on the blog this year (not including the ones on social media) with people from various countries viewing it. Malaysia topped the list, followed by the USA and India.

As always, I am forever grateful for all the feedback and criticisms I’ve gotten this year. Hopefully I will continue to blog next year too if my real life permits. Not knowing what might happen next year, I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for a better year ahead.

If these numbers and lists are still not enough, I’ve listed 9 good things that had happened this year on my Instagram along with 9 best pics of the year. Don’t forget to check that out as well.

See you next year!

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