5 Things To Do For Your First Beach Glamping Trip!

You might have heard about camping but what about glamping? For those who are unaware, glamping is just another fancy word for camping but with a dash of glam. It is more upscale compared to your normal tent and sleeping bag. Glamping offers more comfort and luxury. Imagine the luxury of having a toilet with running hot showers, real mattresses and a good WiFi connection without sacrificing the comfort of your home? However, I think the best part of glamping is that you don’t have to bring your own tent or set it up to enjoy nature as it is.

“My camping days are over, but I might consider glamping.”
*Christine Feehan*

There is always an option; to get lost deep in the mountains or to go to the beach. If you picked the latter, you’ve come to the right place. What can be possibly better than glamping at the beach? To add more fun, bring your friends or family along. Plan an unforgettable weekend getaway so you can enjoy both, the nature and each others company in a peaceful way. It doesn’t have to be too pricey or luxurious. Just look for the most affordable beach glamping trips so it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. The goal is to get a vacation you can afford and enjoy, not go broke after.

So now that you are on a holiday, you can’t just sit still and watch the day go by, can you? When you are surrounded by a beautiful beach and nature, you will want to do some fun things to keep everyone occupied. However, coming up with activities for all is not that easy. I’ve listed 5 things to do for your first beach glamping trip to get you started.

1. Picnic.

A picnic is a great way to enjoy the wilderness and the beach. Grab a few snacks before you get to the glamping site because usually these places can be really far from the town or any convenience stores. Therefore, make a quick pit stop and get whatever that you need for a picnic or things for your entire trip. A picnic with your friends or family are always fun anyway.

2. Bbq party.

When you are outdoors and there’s nothing much to do, set up a grill and get barbecuing. You have to cook and eat anyway, so might as well keep your grilling techniques handy. Some glamping sites might have your dinner ready for you but if they don’t, you might want to consider setting a bbq party. Since you already have a party ready, just hype it up with some really good food.

3. Get close to nature.

The main reason people go glamping or camping is to get closer to nature. A lot of us are stuck with the burden of putting our life together so we can be better than when we started. This comes with a lot of stress and worries. To get your mind off for a while or just chill and do nothing seems like a luxury on its own. Nature has its own healing power and this might actually work for you.

4. Take a stroll.

You are on a beach and a beautiful glamping site with nature, why not take a stroll along the beach? Catch the sunrise or the sunset depending on what you feel like doing on the day. Take a lot of pics and videos to seize the moment while you enjoy the feel of sand under your toes. You don’t have to document everything you see and feel but some memories are worth capturing.

5. Strengthen your relationship.

Glamping solo or with your friends or family are all fun. You will have plenty of time to get to know yourself if you are alone. And if you have a company, you can mend your relationship and bond like no other. Take this staycation as an opportunity for you to strengthen your relationships with your friends or family. There’s always something new to learn from everyone.

Your first beach glamping trip would be an eye opener for sure. Therefore, just keep an open mind and heart to all the possibilities that might come during the trip. Learn from it and you’ll get better as the time goes. Let me know how was your first beach glamping trip. Was it fun?

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