10 Steps To Protect Your Vibe This Tamil New Year!

Last week I had a little surprise from Facebook with a new rising creator badge on my profile. Of course it was a huge deal for me. If you are on any of my social media platforms, you must have noticed it. However, this week I did not expect to get the same exact badge again. Twice in a row? I’ll take it gratefully. Since I’m getting only good vibes this week, I wanted to blog about something light and breezy but inspiring as always. In conjunction with the Tamil New Year, let’s try to protect your vibe as much as we can. Shall we?

Source: Facebook

Tamil New Year or commonly known as ‘Puthandu’ takes place on the first day of the Tamil month of Chittirai as per the Tamil calendar. It is quite similar to the New Year celebrated on 1st January but a lot more traditional and much more like a day to bond with your family. Just like any other New Year, Tamil speaking people around the world who celebrate would clean up their houses, get ready for the at home prayers and visit their local temples. It is advisable to wear new clothes and seek blessings from the elders before the family sits down for the most awaited event of the day; a full meal of vegetarian feast.

If you want to know more about it, feel free to read on it. I’ve shared a little of what I know about the Tamil New Year which is usually celebrated on the 14th of April every year. With the Tamil New Year mood that I am in right now, I can’t wait to share the 10 steps to protect your vibe this Tamil New Year. So, are you ready to vibe with me?

1. Let go of things you cannot control.

There are a lot of things in your life that you don’t seem to have a control on, no matter how hard you try to. Identify them and come to a realization that things are always going to go beyond your control. Instead of feeling helpless and dwelling on it, for a change, why not try letting it go on this Tamil New Year?

2. Avoid comparing yourself to others.

If you are planning to visit the temple this Tamil New Year, be aware that you are going to bump into people who you’ve known forever. It is easy to compare yourself with them and their accomplishments. But try not to. You don’t know what they’ve been through to be where they are and the same goes for you as well.

3. Keep your faith greater than your fears.

Always keep your faith greater than your fears. Believe in yourself and those around you who can lift you up in life. When you are confident with yourself nothing can stop you. Your fears can be your strength if you have your faith on the right place. However, a little fear is good to keep you on the right track.

4. Don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right.

Do you trust your guts or instincts? Well if you do, that’s good. If you don’t then that is okay too. Just know that if it doesn’t feel right, you don’t have to do it at all. It is your choice. No one can force you into doing something that you don’t have a liking for, no matter how hard they try.

5. Don’t be afraid to spend time alone.

This Tamil New Year, don’t be afraid to spend time alone. Spending time all by yourself is not that bad after all. You will learn more about yourself. Reinventing yourself and taking some time alone to reflect on all your important life decisions can actually help you in the long run.

6. Avoid gossip and bashing others.

When you meet your friends or family for this Tamil New Year, avoid gossips knowingly or unknowingly. Gossiping and bashing others might make you feel good at the moment but it is detrimental for your mental health. While you talk about others, know that they might be talking about you too.

7. Speak kindly to yourself and others.

This Tamil New Year, spread kindness wherever you go. Just be kind for no reason. It doesn’t only makes you feel good but also make others feel good about themselves. Speaking kindly to yourself and others also means that you are treating people with respect, grace and compassion.

8. Please yourself before pleasing others.

On the auspicious day of Tamil New Year, it is easy to please others than yourself. When you have a lot of things to do and when it is for the people you love, you will forget about yourself. Mothers usually are the ones who are taken for granted during any kind of celebrations so remind her put herself first.

9. Stay away from people who drain your energy.

You might want to stay far way from people who drain your energy. Feeling lost, tired or burdened is the last thing you want to feel. Especially on big days like this, you will want to surround yourself with people who give only good energy. Get closer to those who fill your soul and energizes you.

10. Ignore any opinions that don’t enhance your life.

Do you feel like nowadays, almost everyone you know tend to have an opinion about your life? Well, that might be true. The things we share on social media these days tend to encourage others to impose their opinions on us. But if it is not relevant to you or your quality of life, just ignore it.

It doesn’t matter if it is Tamil New Year or not, you should always do what is best for you. After all, it is your life. Own it. To those who are celebrating, Happy Tamil New Year or maybe it’s Vishu or Vaisakhi for you.

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