How To Make A Comeback After Being Sick Or Stressed Out?

Finally, a Sunday all to myself. Often many times weekends are usually sacrificed for friends and family because that is the only time where we get to unwind and relax with our loved ones. However, you can’t always seem to have one of those weekends as much as you like. Have you had moments where you hate being sick staying in while everyone is having the time of their lives? Or have you been so stressed that even when you are out, you can’t seem to enjoy yourself because you have all these things in your head waiting for you to get back to it? That’s life but handling yourself maturely is a part of life too so let’s talk.

Health is not valued till sickness comes.

*Thomas Fuller*

Life is full of transitions. Sometimes it feels like as if you are on a roller coaster ride. Sometimes you are happy and sometimes you can be sad. Just like that, you can be healthy most of the time but when you get sick, you will feel horrible about everything that is going around in your life and this is quite normal. I agree that the road to recovery can be quite difficult and you can be reluctant to get over it. But to make the overall experience a lot more stress-free and relaxed, I think we should be ready to talk about it more often. At least it will help you to ease the anxiety that you’ve been dealing with when you are unwell.

A recent study shows that people who take less sick leaves are more satisfied with themselves after returning than those from long term. Also do you know that there are stress leaves just like sick leaves? Where you can take a day or two to come back to your old self? It is good to know that more people nowadays are concerned about the well being of your physical and mental health more than you do. Now, ask yourself, how to make a comeback after being sick or stressed out?

1. Ease into normalcy slowly.

Be gentle with yourself. Return at your own pace. Focus on how you feel. Give some time for yourself to ease back into normalcy slowly. You might feel all sorts of mixed emotions and that is expected but don’t give in too much when you are low. You should not dismiss your feelings either. Take small steps and acknowledge your emotions. They are there for a reason. Don’t be too hard on yourself and how you feel about everything just yet.

2. Talk to someone.

Always remember that you don’t have to do this all alone. Also, know that someone out there must have been through what you are going through so it will help you to bounce back almost immediately after the transition. Talk to someone. Find your own support system. Social support is crucial. Offline or online, you will find what you need if you find the right person to talk to. Avoid from getting burnout and take breaks if you have to.

3. Build your self-efficacy.

Self-efficacy measures one’s belief in their ability to succeed in any situation that they are in. It helps you to measure your own personal competence level. You will need to build your own self-efficacy so you can push yourself further. Who knows you better than yourself and who else can you look for when it comes to motivation and accomplishment? When you start feeling better and healthier, take time to do some self reflections as well. It helps big time.

4. Adjust your routine.

First things first. Try to normalize your sleeping and wake up time all over again because after some time you’ll get use to the new habit and that is not okay. Adjust your body clock as soon as you can so you don’t get tired or disorientated. Take a walk when you can. Practice your self care habits when you feel like you are ready to be out of your own cocoon. Your meal plans are also something that you need to look into after being sick or stressed out.

5. You matter.

Mind over matter. They say your mind is everything but make sure you are mentally and physically ready to conquer the world all over again. You can’t work with a tired body even if you feel great on the inside. So make sure your body is functioning well and your mind is not overworked. Check in with yourself and see how you are feeling everyday. Take one day at a time and every little progress is still a progress. In the end of the day, you matter and your feelings are valid.

It can take a lot longer than you think but don’t give up. Take time to heal and recover at your own pace. It is okay if it is not going as smooth as you want it to be either. You will get over it eventually and laugh at it later. So for now, just get through this phase as gentle as you can. I’ll see you on the next blog post.

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