5 Things You Need To Stop Telling Yourself!

Believe or not, negative thoughts can consume your brain faster than positive thoughts. Not only that, it can drain you mentally and hinder your life in the long run. It is crazy how our brain works sometimes. It will feed you with thoughts that can make you feel safe in your comfort zone. After some time, you will start believing in all these lies that your brain created for you. You will underestimate yourself and make you feel like you don’t belong anywhere. Trust me. You will feel stuck.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

*Martin Luther King*

In the end of the day, what matters most is you. You have to look after yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. You can’t let all these negative thoughts consume you and prevent you from being the best version of yourself. Instead, feed your brain with positive thoughts that will keep you close to your goals in life. You will be more excited on how you look at life and the challenges you are about to face. You are what you believe. So why not, believe in everything possible?

It is always easy to say things than to actually make it work. But if you can train your brain to work the way you want it to be, you will be unstoppable. Just change the way you think about yourself and you will see wonders. Without further dues, let’s jump right into the 5 things you need to stop telling yourself.

1. I can’t do that.

There is nothing in this world that we can’t do. Our brain will first identify any new challenges as a threat and try to make you feel safe in whatever situation you are in. So the first thing that comes to your mind is you can’t. Instead of saying you can’t do this, why not try looking at the options on how can you do it a little better? I am sure you will find a way and keep it in mind the next time your brain says you can’t do anything.

2. I don’t deserve that.

When something good thrown at you or when people be too nice to you for no obvious reason, instead of thanking them, you would second guess yourself. Am I right? If you feel like you don’t deserve anything good then know that you will start believing in the negative thoughts itself. List out the things that make you feel worthy and how you earn the good deeds instead of second guessing yourself. This might help you to be more appreciative too.

3. I’m not enough.

First let me be clear. Nobody is never going to be enough for anything or anyone. You are what you are. You can’t change who you are to make you feel enough to fit into something. Always look at the glass half full and not half empty. Find out what are your unique attributes and how you can use them in your favor to bring out the best out of you. Highlight your positive traits so you can amplify them and put them to a good use.

4. I’m tired of trying.

Why so? You’ve never stopped trying to be tired now. When you are tired of trying, you will be tired of living and this doesn’t sound too good. When you are tired, take a break. Bounce back stronger than you did before. Nobody should give up at any point of life because you will always have to keep trying until your very last breath. Weigh out on the options on what you can do differently to approach a problem or a life situation.

5. I can’t start over.

We are human and it is only possible if we keep making amendments to our mistakes as much as we can all throughout our whole lives. How do you learn if not from your own mistakes? Right? You can’t be afraid to start over even if you’ve messed up big time. Learn to accept your mistakes no matter how bad it gets. Work out a recovery plan when something goes wrong. Act on it when you need to rectify your mistakes and start over as many times as you want.

Your brain can become your best or your worst enemy depending on what you decide to feed. Feed your brain with positive attributes and grow or feed your brain with negative thoughts and stay put. The choice is yours.

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