How To Keep Yourself From Being Bored?

It is quite common to be bored. This applies to all ages and it is something that none of us can avoid. You must be lying to yourself if you say you’ve never been bored once in your life. We are so caught up with life routines that sometimes it can push us to the edge. Redundantly working on something just because you have to can be detrimental to your mental health and overall well-being. But you don’t have to be stuck there. You can always find a way out to keep yourself from being bored.

Boredom: The desire for desires.

*Leo Tolstoy*

Look at the positive side. Boredom doesn’t always have to be associated to negativity. Sometimes it can also be good. Take this as an opportunity to try new activities that you’ve always wanted to try. Or maybe this is the time for you to revisit your old hobbies that you’ve left long ago. Assessing your own feelings when you are bored can also improve your problem-solving skills and increase self-awareness in the long run. That’s not all bad isn’t it? But don’t forget to look into it if it’s more than just a feeling of being bored.

If you are constantly being bored, then maybe there is an underlying issue that you need to address. Do consider talking to someone if it gets really bad and you can’t seem to get over it. Being bored for a longer period of time is not something you can take lightly. Now, are you ready to learn more on how to keep yourself from being bored?

1. Routines don’t have to be boring.

One thing about routine is that you can’t really skip it altogether. However, you can make your routines a little more interesting than usual by adding your personal touch to it. It doesn’t only give you satisfaction but also joy when you break the monotony. Also, keep in mind. It is okay to deviate from your routines once in a while so you can focus harder on the things you need to accomplish.

2. Reward yourself whenever you can.

Try breaking down your tasks into smaller ones. It might help. Maybe take a break in between so you don’t get bored or reward yourself whenever you feel like you need a little pat on your back. Set your own visions and work towards it. Appreciate yourself because no one else understands you better than you. If you have things that you’ve been putting off for a while now, maybe it’s time to tackle that too.

3. Get creative.

To avoid boredom, try to get more creative. Start something small or with the things that you are fond off. Maybe you can start reading, doodling, painting, sketching, coloring, crafting, playing music, singing, dancing or even taking photography more seriously. Creative writing can be beneficial too if you are into poems and blogs. The possibilities are endless. You might not only get creative but also increase your productivity.

4. Try something new daily.

When you keep yourself occupied, you might less likely get bored. Try cooking, baking, gardening, shopping or even watching movies when you have a little time to spare. Some people might indulge in workouts to keep themselves busy. You can try yoga, walking, jogging, swimming or whatever physical activities that makes you feel good about yourself. The most important thing of all, you should enjoy it.

5. Plan ahead.

There is a saying ‘he who fails to plan is planning to fail’. There is no harm in planning ahead of time. Maybe you’ve been wanting to plan for an event or the girls trip that you’ve been looking forward to. Even if none of the plans materialize at least you’ll have your mind off far from reality for a bit. Or maybe you want to reorganize your home or work space. You can plan to do it weekly or monthly depending on your schedule.

A gentle reminder. If you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work, maybe you need to talk to someone. Meet a friend over a cup of coffee or someone you can confide in and just let loose. Sometimes that is all that you need. A good old friend and some great memories to reconnect.

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