30 Days Of Yoga Journey: What’s Different This Year?

Last year I came up with the 5 Ws (and 1H) you need to know before committing to a 30 days of yoga challenge and 5 lessons learned. This year I’ve decided to do it a little differently. Do you recall from my previous blog post that one of my goals for this year is to make more time for creativity? So here I am trying to be more creative than I was last year. Are you ready?

Started in January NOT February.

If last year I blogged about the yoga series around February, this year I’ve decided to get a kick-start way earlier. I’ve started the journey in the first of week of January itself. While most of you are working hard to keep up with your ‘New Year New Me’ resolutions, I am working even harder to keep up with my 30 days yoga journey I’ve started 10 days ago.

It’s not a challenge anymore. It’s a journey.

I’ve realized I’ve used the word challenge last year for both of my blog posts. Let me be honest. It was definitely a challenge to even commit to yoga 30 days consecutively. No matter what your day was like you have to be on your mat everyday until it’s over. That was the challenge for me.

This year I realize I didn’t have to struggle to be on my mat everyday like I used to. I am there like it’s a routine. Since working out has been a part of my lifestyle, it is definitely a lot easier to commit to yoga even if it’s for 30 days. Bring it on!

My mom ditched me but that didn’t stop me.

Last year, Mom decided to do it with me so I didn’t had to go through the misery all by myself. She was my ultimate workout buddy then since she wanted to get more active in running and I was so glad yoga helped her in so many different ways to get her more in shape.

This year I had to do it all alone. Nothing too dramatic but Mom has her own schedule now for working out and she’s gearing up for one of her big events in the upcoming months. So she basically stood me up. But that didn’t stop me from doing what I love just because she couldn’t make it. Some days she’s there right next to me when she’s trying to get a break.

From Dedicate to Home.

I’ve been pretty loyal to this one lady I found on Youtube (Adriene is pretty cool). Not that I know her personally but I feel like I’ve known her for years now. I love her passion and dedication towards yoga and I can totally relate to her. Maybe because she’s crazy like me.

Source: Google

Last year I did the Dedicate series and this year it is the Home series. I must say I’ve been pretty dedicated to finish the 30 days strong but this year it is a whole new ball game. I’m actually falling in love with the idea of going Home.

Creating a sentence out of the word of the day is not easy.

Last year, I was having fun posting about the 30 days challenge daily and didn’t really put too much thought or effort into it. I was just excited connecting to my fellow followers through Instagram stories. That was definitely the game changer.

This year, I’ve decided to make it even more interesting. I’ve used the word of the day to create a sentence based on how I feel after each yoga session. I would literally sit down and reconnect with myself and come up with whatever I feel right. This is for sure something I’m looking forward to after each session now.

Source: Google

So I’m over the day 10 mark now and I’m going to continue to push through the whole 30 days journey. It is definitely more gain now than pain since I’ve lost 0.6% of fat and gained 0.3% of muscles. I can’t wait to uncover what’s in store for me in the next 20 days. Join me or let me know if you are on a 30 days journey of getting your life in order as well.






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